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Resolutions of Loudoun County: Loudoun County a Hundred Years Ago. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 4 (Apr., 1904), pp. 231-236. RESOLUTIONS OF LOUDOUN COUNTY. "LOUDOUN COUNTY A HUNDRED YEARS AGO." In 1877-'78 the follwing article appeared in a Leesburg (Va.) newspaper. - JAMES D. EVANS. "Major B. P. Nolan, grandson of Burr Powell, has just put us in possession of a verfied copy of the proceedigns of a public meeting held at Leesbug, Loudoun county, on the 14th of June, 1774 - nearly one hundred and five years ago. It is interesting, not merely for its antiquity, but as showing the spirit of independence that animated the breasts of our liberty-loving countrymen two years before the Declaration of American Independance in 1776. The original document was found among the papers of Col. Leven Powell, at one time member of Congress fromt his district, who died in 1810. His son, Burr Powell, forwarded a copy to R. H. Lee, Esq., who in 1826 was about to publish a second edition of his Memoirs of the Life of R. H. Lee, of Revolutionary fame. The second edition of that work, however, never appeared, and the proceedings of the Loudoun Meeting are now, for the first time, given to the public in printed form. "PUBLIC MEETING IN LOUDOUN IN 1774. "At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other inhabitants of the County of Loudoun, in the colony of Virginia, held at the Court-house in Leesburg, the 14th June, 1774 - F. Peyton, Esq., in the Chair - to consider the most effectual method to preserve the rights and liberties of N. America, and relieve our brethren of Boston, suffering under the most oppressive and tyrannical Act of the British Parliament, made in the 14th year of his present Majesty's reign, whereby their Harber is blocked up, their Commerce totally obstructed, their property rendered useless - "Resolved, That we will alsways cheerfully submit to such prerogatives as his Majesty has a right, by law, to exercise, as Sovereign of the British Dominions, and to no others. "Resolved, That it is beneath the dignity of freemen to submit to any tax not imposed on them in the usual manner, by representatives of their own choosing. "Resolved, That the Act of the British Parliament, above mentioned, is utterly repugnant to the fundamental laws of justice, in punishing persons without even the form of a trial; but a despotic exertion of unconstitutional power designedly calculated to enslave a free and loyal people. "Resolved, That the enforcing the execution of the said Act of Parliament by a military power, must hav a necessary tendency to raise a civil war, and that we will, withour lives and fortunes, assist and support our suffering brethren(*), of Boston, and every part of North America that may fall under the immediate hand of oppression, until a redress of all our grievances shall be procured, and our common liberties established on a permanent foundation. "Resolved, That the East India Company, by exporting their tea from England to America, whilst subject to a tax imposed thereon by the British Parliament, have evidently designed to fix on the Americans those chains forged for them by a venal ministry, and have thereby rendered themselves odious and detestable throughout all America. It is, therefore, the unanimous opinion of this meeting not to purchase any tea or other East India commodity whatever, imported after the first of this Month. "Resolved, That we will have no commercial intercourse with Great Britain until the above mentioned Act of Parliament shall be totally repealed, and the right of regulating the internal policy of N. America by a British Parliament shall be absolutely and positively given up. "Resolved, That Thompson Mason and Francis Peyton, Esqs., be appointed to represent the County at a general meeting to be held at Williamsburg on the 1st day of August next, to take the sense of this Colony at large on the subject of the preceding resolves, and that they, together with Leven Powell, William Ellzey, John Thornton, George Johnston and Samuel Levi, or any three of them, be a committee to correspond with the several commttees appointed for this purpose. "Signed by, "John Morton, "Thomas Williams, "Thomas Ray, "James Noland, "Thomas Drake, "Samuel Peugh, "William Booram, "William Nornail, "Benj. Isaac Humphrey, "Thomas Luttrell, "Samuel Mills, "James Brair, "Joshua Singleton, "Poins Awsley, "Jonathan Drake, "John Kendrick, "Matthew Rust, "Edward O'Neal, Source: http://searches1.rootsweb.com/usgenweb/archives/va/loudoun/court/resolutions.txt Also found on several other sites. |