The following links may be helpful in your genealogical research of the Luttrell and associated families. 

with information and links (including your own) re: Genealogy links you'd recommend for this page. 

Forums for sharing specific questions and answers with other "Luttrell" researchers.'s "GenForum"

Links to others with specific research on various branches of the Luttrell tree.

"Glenn's World" - Glenn D. Littrell (not to be confused with Glenn E. Luttrell, webmaster of this website)  

"Marcine's Genealogy" (the "Celtic Lady") - has long list of other "Luttrell" researchers.

"Descendants of Dr. Edward Luttrell" (Australia/New Zealand)- website of Val Date

Dr. Mark Humphrys, Dublin City University - "Luttrell of Luttrellstown"

General genealogy research websites.

"Cyndi's List" - one of the most complete list of genealogy "links" there is.  - some of its links lead to fee-based services.

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The following links may be helpful in your genealogical research of the Luttrell and associated families. 

with information and links (including your own) re: Genealogy links you'd recommend for this page. 

Forums for sharing specific questions and answers with other "Luttrell" researchers.'s "GenForum"

Links to others with specific research on various branches of the Luttrell tree.

"Glenn's World" - Glenn D. Littrell (not to be confused with Glenn E. Luttrell, webmaster of this website)  

"Marcine's Genealogy" (the "Celtic Lady") - has long list of other "Luttrell" researchers.

"Descendants of Dr. Edward Luttrell" (Australia/New Zealand)- website of Val Date

Dr. Mark Humphrys, Dublin City University - "Luttrell of Luttrellstown"

General genealogy research websites.

"Cyndi's List" - one of the most complete list of genealogy "links" there is.  - some of its links lead to fee-based services.